FOA Guide
FOA Online Reference Guide

Table Of Contents

FOA Guide - Table of Contents

This is the FOA's Online Guide To Fiber Optics, Fiber Broadband & Premises Cabling. It includes almost a thousand pages of materials created by the FOA covering the basics to advanced topics on fiber optics and premises cabling.The goal of this website is educating students, users, designers, installers or anyone interested in the subject of fiber and cabling for communications systems.

Reference Topics         

Directions For Using The FOA Guide

Cross Reference To FOA Books, Guide and Fiber U   
Read the complete FOA Privacy Policy here.

Fiber U - Fiber University Training in Fiber Optics
FOA has a online learning site called Fiber U with many free self-study courses based on technical material in the FOA Guide..   Many topics covered here are also available as free Fiber U self-study programs. Look for the mention of Fiber U at many topics below.

Search the FOA website:

Reference Topics - click on any of the topic below to jump to the complete listing of topics on the subject in the FOA Guide.

All links to pages in English with pages en Espanol (fibra optica basica, diseño, FTTH), en Francais, em Português   

Basic Topics

These are online equivalents of the FOA textbooks, complete with online topic quizzes, and you can purchase a printed or ebook version. Books
Fiber Optics, The Basics( CFOT)
 Ahora en español! - Spanish!  Actualizado 2024
 en français - French!
Premises Cabling Systems (CPCT) 
Ahora en español! - Spanish!
Outside Plant Fiber Optics (CFOS/O) 

Specific Topics

         Timeline of Fiber Optic History by the FOA     
FOA Lecture 73 The History of Fiber Optics (video)      History of The FOA 
Tech Update - The latest technology, components and applications

         Fiber Optic Safety - Installation and Construction

Applications of Fiber Optics including Fiber Broadband and FTTH (Fiber to the Home, now also in Spanish)
Fiber Optic Technology and Standards
Fiber Optic Components
Fiber Optic Network Design And Project Management    Ahora en español! - Design Textbook Now in Spanish online!
Installation of FO Cable Plants
Testing & Troubleshooting Fiber Optic Systems
Using Fiber Optic Systems for System Owners and Operators
FOA Tech Bulletins  

FOA Guide - Table of Contents

Fiber Optics, The Basics (CFOT Level)

Most links are to web pages with tutorials. "VHO" means a step-by-step hands-on installation tutorial. Many topics have videos on YouTube listed below.  

Basics of Fiber Optics Home Page  
Basic overview   
The jargon and the technology
Fiber Optic Networks: basic applications and transmission systems 
Fiber Optic DatalinksFiber Optic Transceivers for Datalinks  
Optical Fiber
Fiber Optic Cables   Midspan Access    VHO:   Cable preparation.    
Termination and splicing   Termination VHO:  Epoxy/PolishAnaerobic,   Hot Melt   Pre-Polished Splice/SOC  Singlemode termination    Splice VHO: Mech splice  Fusion: single fiber  ribbon
Fiber Optic Testing  VHO Insertion loss testing  Using an OTDR    
Network Design 
About Standards
Glossary of terms
FAQs on Fiber Optics  

Fiber Optic Safety - Installation and Construction

FREE Online Basics of Fiber Optics Self-Study Program on Fiber U

See the "Fiber Optic Technology and Standards" Section below for information on networks, WDM, etc.

FOA Video Lectures and videos about fiber optic cable preparation, termination, splicing and testing on FOA videos

FOA Reference Guide To Fiber Optics Textbook - Second Edition 2024 NEW
FOA Reference Guide to Fiber Optics book

FOA Textbook on Fiber Optics (available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese)

Lennie 25th Anniversary Lennie Lightwave's Guide - The basic introduction to fiber optics

Many of you have used the current online version of Lennie's Guide on the FOA website. Now you can have a slick printed version - real paper and colored pictures - you can hold in your hand and read. Leave a copy on your desktop to impress your friends, or on the table in your company's reception area instead of out-of-date magazines. Give them to your customers and employees to help them learn fiber optics. Use it to prepare for FOA certifications.

You can get your own printed copies of
Lennie Lightwave's Guide at,

Premises Cabling Systems (Fiber, Copper and Wireless) (CPCT Level)

Ahora en español! - Spanish! NEW
Most links are to web pages with tutorials. "VHO" means a step-by-step hands-on installation tutorial. Many topics have videos on YouTube listed below.  
Premises Cabling Home Page  
Overview of Premises Cabling and Standards, About Standards 
Power Over Ethernet (PoE) NEW
UTP Cables 
UTP Terminations (including color codes for UTP cabling),  UTP Termination (Tutorial)
UTP Installation VHO. Cable  66 Block, 110 Block, Jacks, Plugs  
UTP Testing,  UTP Wiremapping   VHO: UTP Test
Coax Cable  VHO Coax Termination  
Fiber Optics in Premises Cabling, Plus more information on OLANs (Optical LANs)NEW FTTD/FTTO (Centralized Fiber), Passive OLANs 
Design, New T-568-C Nomenclature
Premises Cabling Installation  NEW

FREE Online Premises Cabling Self-Study Program on Fiber U

See the "Fiber Optic Technology and Standards" Section below for information on networks, etc.

FOA Video Lectures and videos about premises cabling installation on FOA videos

FOA Textbook

FOA Reference Guide to Premises Cablng book FOA Textbook on Premises Cabling

Outside Plant Fiber Optics (Specialist, CFOS/O Level)

Most links are to web pages with tutorials. "VHO" means a step-by-step hands-on installation tutorial. Many topics have videos on YouTube listed below.  
OSP Home Page  
Basic Overview   
The Jargon and the Technology  
OSP Fiber Networks, Basic Applications and Transmission Systems  
Fiber Optic Datalinks    
Optical Fiber  
Fiber Optic Cables   VHO:   Cable preparation. Midspan Access    
Splicing and Termination  
Splice VHO: Mech splice  Fusion: single fiber  ribbon
Termination VHO:   Epoxy/PolishAnaerobic,   Hot Melt  Pre-Polished Splice/SOC  Singlemode termination
Fiber Optic Testing   
VHO Insertion loss testing  Using an OTDR    
Network Design   
About Standards

Fiber Optic Safety - Installation and Construction

FREE Online Outside Plant Fiber Optics Self-Study Program on Fiber U

Outside Plant Fiber Optic Cable Plant Construction  

FREE Online Outside Plant Fiber Optic Construction Self-Study Program on Fiber U

Additional Topics For OSP Fiber Optics

Restoration new

FTTH (Fiber To The Home) and Fiber Broadband.          New FOA FTTH Handbook (printed & Kindle eBook)                    Free Online Course on Fiber U      

NEW Ahora en español! - Spanish!  

Fiber For Wireless Networks.                Free Online Course on Fiber U
Fiber for Wireless Networks   
Fiber to the Antenna (FTTA)  
Testing FTTA
DAS- Distributed Antenna Systems
Satellite Communications   NEW

Definitions of Terms  

See the "Fiber Optic Technology and Standards" Section below for information on networks, WDM, etc.

FOA Video Lectures and videos about cable preparation, termination, splicing and testing on FOA videos

FOA Textbook

FOA Reference Guide to OSP Fiber Optics book FOA Textbook on Outside Plabnt Fiber Optics 

Applications of Fiber Optics

Fiber Optic Datalinks
Fiber Optic Transceivers for Datalinks  
Wavelength Bands Used For Fiber Optic Transmission 
Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM)

Specifications for fiber optic links and systems, including FTTx  

Networks   Networks are built on cable plants but it helps to understand how they work also.
Telephone, long haul, metropolitan  
Satellite Communications  
Coherent Communications For High Speed Long Haul Networks  

Introduction To Broadband  

Fiber Broadband

New book - Fiber Broadband - FOA Guide To Fiber Broadband        

FTTH (Fiber To The Home)  

Free FTTH Online Course on Fiber U
   New FOA FTTH Handbook (printed & Kindle eBook)            

NEW Ahora en español! - Spanish!  
Fiber For Wireless.        Free Online Course on Fiber U
Premises Networks, LANs,  Section on Premises Networks  

NEW Satellite Communications  

Optical LANs.                                                                  Free Online Course on Fiber U   
Data Centers                                                                 Free Online Course on Fiber U     
Security, CCTV for surveillance  
NEW CCTV Using Premises Cabling
Electrical Utilities 
Smart Cities
Building automation  

Consumer entertainment  

Media Conversion: Converting copper or wireless to fiber, etc.
Attenuating Power In Overloaded Datalinks 

Tapping Optical Fiber  

Non-Communications Applications
NEW Fiber Optic Sensors 
Fiber Optic Lighting (TT)
Inspection/ Viewing Using Fiber Optics

Network User's Guide 

Videos on fiber optic applications on FOA videos

Fiber Optic And Cabling Technology and Standards
About Standards
TIA/EIA and ISO/IEC Standards (listing of current and obsolete standards)
FOA Standards For Testing and Systems  
The OSI Model of Networks
TIA 568 Standard For Premises Cabling Fiber Optics  

Wavelengths of Light Used In Fiber Optics
Wavelength Bands Used For Fiber Optic Transmission 
Total Internal Reflection In Optical Fiber. NEW
dB and dBm: Units of Measurement  
Specifications for fiber optic links and systems, including FTTx
Wavelength-Division Multiplexing
How Fiber Amplifiers Work

Power Over Ethernet (PoE) for copper cabling   

Fiber Optic Cable Jacket And Connector Color Codes    (with guides to print or download)

Safety procedures Including Eye Safety     Video on safety on FOA videos   FOA Lecture 2: Safety When Working With Fiber Optics

FOA Standards   Understandable versions of industry standards  
FOA Standard FOA-1: Testing Loss of Installed Fiber Optic Cable Plant, (Insertion Loss, TIA OFSTP-14, OFSTP-7, ISO/IEC 61280, ISO/IEC 14763, etc.)
FOA Standard FOA-2: Testing Loss of Fiber Optic Cables, Single Ended,  (Insertion Loss, TIA FOTP-171, OFSTP-7, , ISO/IEC 14763)
FOA Standard FOA-3:  Measuring Optical Power (Transmitter and Receiver Power, FOTP-95, Numerous ISO/IEC standards)
FOA Standard FOA-4: OTDR Testing of Fiber Optic Cable Plant (TIA FOTP-8/59/60/61/78, ISO/IEC 14763, etc.)  
FOA Standard FOA-5 Fiber Optic Datalinks 
FOA Standard FOA-6: Fiber Optic Cable Plant  
FOA Standard FOA-7: Mode Conditioning For Testing Multimode Fiber Optic Cables
FOA Standard FOA-8:
Inspection and Cleaning of Fiber Optic Connectors

ANSI/NECA/FOA-301 Fiber Optic Installation Standard
NECA/FOA-301 Standard

The FOA and NECA wrote this ANSI standard (American National Standard) covering the installation of fiber optic cable plants. This standard was withdrawn as an ANSI standard for revision. It still has lots of good information on fiber optic installation and is available for free downloads from FOA. More.
Myth: Does Glass "Flow" Over Time?

Fiber FAQs (FAQs = Frequently Asked Questions)

Fiber Optic Components

Most links are to web pages with tutorials. "VHO" means a step-by-step hands-on installation tutorial. Many topics have videos on YouTube listed below.  See the Testing Section for more information on how components are tested.
Optical Fiber
Optical Fiber.  
Total Internal Reflection In Optical Fiber. NEW  Also see FOA Lecture 60 How Fiber Works (video) 
Singlemode and Multimode Fiber Nomenclature Used In International Standards
Choosing fiber types (PDF) 
Multimode Premises Cable Plant Nomenclature (OM1, OM2, OM3, OM4, etc.)
Plastic Optical Fiber (POF)
How Optical Fiber Is Manufactured
Bend-Insensitive Fibers   Compatibility of G.652 and G.657 BI Singlemode Fibers.  NEW
Macro- And Micro-Bending Of Fibers 
Myth: Does Glass "Flow" Over Time?
Fiber Optic Cables     Fiber Optic Cable Plant  
Reading Markings on Fiber Optic Cables  NEW
High Fiber Count Cables (1728+)NEW
Fiber Optic Cable Jacket And Connector Color Codes    
Cable Bend Diameter or Radius
Cable Preparation: VHO:  Cable preparation    Midspan Access   Midspan Access (hands-0n)           Free Online "Fiber Optic Skills Lab"  Course on Fiber U   Videos on FOA videos
Air-Blown Fiber   
Patchcords – selection, testing, management

Connectors & Termination                          Free Online "Fiber Optic Skills Lab"  Course on Fiber U  
Splicing and Termination  
Identifying Fiber Optic Connectors  
Connector Names and Nomenclature    
MPO array/parallel connectors, description, polarity and how to test them  Videos on FOA videos 
Fiber Optic Cable Jacket And Connector Color Codes   
Standards For Connector Intermateability, FOCIS  
Effects of Alignment and Fiber Geometry on Fiber Optic Connector Loss  
Reflectance Testing   
Basic termination including testing connectors  (Tutorial)
Adhesive/polish connectors VHO:   Epoxy/Polish, Videos on FOA videos   Anaerobic,   Hot Melt
Hints For Adhesive/Polish Connector Terminations
Prepolished/splice connectors and SOC  VHO:  Pre-Polished Splice/SOC   Videos on FOA videos   
Prefabricated cable systems  
Singlemode fiber termination: VHO:  Singlemode termination   
Termination Times For Various Methods and Connector Types  
Repairing Connectors By Polishing   NEW
Microscope Inspection And Cleaning of Fiber Optic Connectors  NEW
Cleaning Fiber Optic Connections 

Splices                                       Free Online "Fiber Optic Skills Lab"  Course on Fiber U  
Splicing and Termination  
Basic splices   (Tutorial)
Mechanical splices VHO: Mech splice   Videos on FOA videos
Fusion splices - VHO: single fiber  ribbon Videos on FOA videos
Estimates of Splicing Times for Various Cable Configurations   
Splicing different types of SM Fiber (PDF) 
Compatibility of G.652 and G.657 BI Singlemode Fibers.NEW
Splice ClosuresNEW

Fiber Optic Tools For Installers  
Tools for Cable and Fiber Preparation  

Optical Distribution Frames and Patch Panels   NEW
Ducts and Microducts NEW

Transmission Equipment
Fiber Optic Datalinks
Fiber Optic Transceivers for Datalinks
LEDs and Lasers for Fiber Optic Transmitters.   NEW
Specifications for fiber optic links and systems, including FTTx
Wavelength Bands Used For Fiber Optic Transmission
Designing And Manufacturing Fiber Optic Systems (for Manufacturers) (PDF, 0.2 MB)
The OSI Model of Networks 
Attenuators for adjusting receiver power levels 

Media Conversion: Converting copper or wireless to fiber, etc.
TIA 568 Standard For Fiber Optics

Videos on fiber optic components on FOA videos

Fiber Optic Network Design And Project Management

Fiber Optic Projects

Fiber Optic Network Design
Network Design, OSP Network Design, Premises Cabling Network Design   also Outside Plant Fiber Optic Cable Plant Construction
Network User's Guide, covers design through maintenance. (PDF 0.1 MB)(TT)
Network User's Guide (web page)
About Standards     
TIA 568 Standard For Fiber Optics
Specifications for fiber optic LANs and Links
Link Loss Budgets And Power Budgets       new Loss Budget Calculator Online
Midspan Access for OSP Cable Plants    
Polarity in Fiber Optic Networks
Fiber or Copper? Overview and Fiber LANs
Estimating Fiber Optic Installations 
Mismatched Multimode Fiber Losses  
Planning For Restoration (PDF, 0.1 MB) and Restoration new
Project Paperwork (SOW, RFP, RFQ and contracts)    new Gantt Charts For Projects  
Acceptance of the Finished Installation - Deliverables
Application of Standard Project Management Processes in Fiber Optic Cable Plant Project Management  

GIS and Fiber Management Systems  

Free Fiber Optic Network Design Course - Online at Fiber U  

Designing Fiber Optic Networks, a short reference guide for managers, users, contractors, installers, etc. (Printable PDF, 1.3 MB)

FOA Video Lectures on fiber optic network design on  FOA videos

FOA Textbook on Network Design

FOA Reference Guide to Fiber Optics Network Design  book  FOA textbook on Fiber Optic Network Design

Installation of FO Cable Plants

See the Components Section for installation processes for fiber optic cable plant components and the  Testing Section for more information on how installed cable plants are tested.


        NEW  Guidelines For Fiber Optic Project Planners  
  NEW The Fiber Optic Workforce  Who builds the fiber optic project?

Fiber Optic Safety - Installation and Construction  NEW
Fiber Optic Tools For Installers  
Tools for Cable and Fiber Preparation  
Download a list of tools for installation here. (PDF, 100kB)

Fiber Optic Network Management   (For Managers).NEW 

Installing Fiber Optic Cable Plants - FOA Tech Bulletin, (PDF 0.2 MB) basis of the ANSI/NECA/FOA-301 Installation Standard 
Installation  Overview
Outside Plant Fiber Optic Cable Plant Construction     
Midspan Access   Midspan Access (hands-0n)    Free Online Course on Fiber U   
Getting Training
Installation Checklist - step by step installation planning 

Acceptance of the Finished Installation - Deliverablesnew

The Role of the Contractor
Planning the Installation
Project Management Processes For Fiber Optic Projects (PDF)   See also the FOA videos video: FOA Lecture 33, Cabling Project Management 
Safety procedures Including Eye Safety     Video on safety on FOA videos   FOA Lecture 2: Safety When Working With Fiber Optics
Tools and Equipment
Cleaning Fiber Optic Connections 
Receiving cable and components onsite
Installing Cable - General Guidelines , Air-Blown FiberMidspan Access
Cable Bend Diameter or Radius
Installing a Swivel Pulling Eye on Cable  
Polarity in Fiber Optic Networks  
Maintenance (It's not needed - best leave it alone!) 
Troubleshooting fiber optic cable plants and communications systems. (PDF, 0.1 Mb)

Outside Plant (see the complete OSP section)

Digging Safely - call before you dig
Laying, placing or pulling  OSP cable
Cable Bend Diameter or Radius
How To "Figure 8" Cable For Intermediate Pulls
Splicing OSP cable
Splice Closures 
Termination (splicing on pigtails, PPS, preterminated)
Patchcords – selection, testing, management
Testing requirements
Transmission Equipment – power requirements - using attenuators as needed
Special methods (Air-Blown Fiber , prefab/preterminated cables)
Aerial FTTH drops
Air-Blown Cable Installation
Midspan Access   Midspan Access (hands-0n)  
Mini-sub (submarine) Cable Preparation  
OPGW (Optical power ground wire) Preparation  
Examples of poor installation of FTTH in the aerial outside plant and in the customer premises. NEW
Customer Premises Drop Cables

Premises Cabling (see the complete Premises Cabling section).              Free Online Course on Fiber U  
Premises Site Preparation
Laying or pulling cable
Air-Blown Cable Installation  
Termination (adhesive polish, PPS, preterminated)
Patchcords – selection, testing, management
Testing requirements
Transmission Equipment – power requirements - using attenuators
Special methods (Air-Blown Fiber , prefab/preterminated cables)
Fiber Patch Panel Guidelines For Neatness   NEW

Videos on fiber optic installation on FOA videos

Testing & Troubleshooting Fiber Optic Systems

Most links are to web pages with tutorials. "VHO" means a step-by-step hands-on installation tutorial. Many topics have videos on YouTube listed below.  
QuickStart Guides to Fiber Optic Testing  
Cable Plant and Patchcord Testing  
Optical Power in Communications Systems  
OTDR Testing  

Inspection And Cleaning Of Fiber Optic Connectors Should Be Done Whenever Making Connections for Testing 

Test Topics.

Fiber Optic Testing                 Free Online Course on Fiber U  
Fiber Optic Test Instruments
Wavelengths of Light Used In Fiber Optics
dB and dBm: Units of Measurement   More on dB, history and the math. Is dB Loss Positive or Negative?
Visual tracing & fault location  
Using A Very Old Cell Phone Camera to See IR Light In Fiber Links  
Microscope Inspection And Cleaning of Fiber Optic Connectors  NEW
Measuring Optical Power, Using attenuators, Calibration of Fiber Optic Power 
Bare Fiber Testing  
Installed Cable Plant Loss Testing (Insertion loss, FOA-1, OFSTP-7 & 14)
Patchcord or Single Cable Testing (Insertion loss, FOA-2, FOTP-171), FOA Standard FOA-2
Testing cables with different types of connectors.
Loss by Cable Substitution - when other methods will not work
MPO array/parallel connectors and how to test them  NEW
Special Applications/Hybrid Cables  
Connector and Splice Loss Testing (FOTP-34)
Reflectance Testing  
Data Link or Network Testing
Reference Cables For Loss Tests

OTDR testing            Free Online Course on Fiber U  plus Reading an OTDR Trace Fiber Characterization and Testing long haul networks (CD, PMD, Spectral Attenuation) 

FTTH Testing  
Testing Splitters, Couplers and Other Passive Devices  

Cleaning Fiber Optic Connections (do this before testing or connecting to equipment)

FAQs on Fiber Optic Testing  
Technical Issues For Testing

Metrology and Fiber Optics - Metrology is the science of measurements
dB and dBm: Units of Measurement  
5 different Ways To Test Fiber Optic Cables According To International Standards
Accurately Testing Fiber Optic Cables
Differences in OTDR and insertion loss measurements
The Math of Insertion Loss Testing - Reference Methods 

Mismatched Multimode Fiber Losses
Testing Compatibility of G.652 and G.657 BI Singlemode Fibers.NEW

Modal Conditioning For Multimode Testing
Fiber Loss Testing and Multimode Modal Control
Modal Distribution Effects on Multimode Fiber and Cable Measurements
Encircled Flux  

Troubleshooting fiber optic cable plants and communications systems. (PDF, 0.1 Mb)
        Troubleshooting Singlemode Networks. NEW
FOA Video Lectures and videos on testing on FOA videos

Also See
FOA Standards For Testing
Testing Insertion Loss of Installed Fiber Optic Cable Plant (FOA-1) 
Testing Loss of Fiber Optic Cables or Patchcords (FOA-2) 
Measuring Optical Power (FOA-3) 
OTDR Testing of Fiber Optic Cable Plants (FOA-4) 
Mode Conditioning For Testing Multimode Fiber Optic Cables (FOA-7)  
Fiber FAQs (FAQs = Frequently Asked Questions)

FOA Textbook

FOA Reference Guide to Fiber Optic Testing book FOA Textbook on Fiber Optic Testing

Using Fiber Optic Systems

Fiber Optic Network Management   (For Managers)

User's Guide To Fiber Optic Networks 
Choosing, Installing and Using Fiber Optic Products For Users (FOA Tech Bulletin, PDF 0.1 MB)

Using Attenuators to prevent receiver overload

Restoration (planning & implementing)  and Restoration 
Tapping Optical Fiber  

FOA Video Lectures and videos on FOA videos

FOA Tech Bulletins (Printable Reference Documents)
Designing and manufacturing fiber optic communications products for manufacturers of products using fiber optics . (PDF, 0.2 Mb)

Users' Guide To Fiber Optic Communications Networks. (PDF, 0.1 Mb)

Designing Fiber Optic Networks - for contractors, designers, installers and users and the reference for the FOA CFOS/D Design Certification (PDF, 1.3 MB).

Installing Fiber Optic Cable Plants. (PDF, 0.2 Mb)

Testing and Troubleshooting fiber optic cable plants and communications systems. (PDF, 0.1 Mb)

Fiber Optic Restoration - how to plan ahead and restore networks quickly. (PDF, 0.1 Mb)

FOA YouTube Videos

FOA YouTube Videos

The FOA has more than 100 videos on YouTube, including Lecture Series on Fiber Optics and Premises Cabling, Hands-On lectures on both and some other informational and instructional videos. For all the videos, go to the FOA Channel "thefoainc" or use the direct links below.

Below is a list of the current lectures and hands-on videos. We're looking for ideas for topics for future lectures. Send your ideas to <>.

About the FOA
Qué es la FOA (What Is The FOA, in Spanish )   

FOA Standards  

Careers In Fiber Optics This video was created to introduce the newcomer - particularly the student in Jr. High or High School -  to the types of careers that exist in fiber optics, how to learn more about them and how to prepare for a career in this fast-growing field.

Where Are The Jobs In Fiber Optics? FOA talks about all the applications for fiber optics, what jobs involve and the qualifications for the workers in the field.
How to Talk Fiber Optics - an introduction to fiber optic jargon. 

fiber optics for teachers
Fiber Optics For Teachers - An Introduction  
A special video for STEM teachers K-12 and tech schools showing how to demo fiber in the classroom. More for STEM teachers below.

FOA Videos By Subject

Videos: Basic Fiber Optics
FOA Lecture 1: Fiber Optics & Communications 
FOA Lecture: Fiber Optic Jargon  
FOA Lecture 2: Safety When Working With Fiber Optics 
FOA Lecture 3: Optical Fiber 
FOA Lecture 60 How Fiber Works   
FOA Lecture 4: Fiber Optic Cables 
FOA Lecture 5: Splices and Connectors 
FOA Lecture 6: Fiber Optic Splices 
FOA Lecture 7: Fiber Optic Connectors 
FOA Lecture 12: Fiber Optic Testing Overview   
FOA Lecture 9: Fiber Optic Network Design, Part 1, Overview and The Process
FOA Lecture 8: Fiber Optic Installation 
Fiber Optics - Live!  A series of videos that use lab demonstrations to show how optical fiber works. 
How Light Travels In A Fiber  
Fiber Attenuation  
Connector Loss  

Videos: Fiber Optic Applications
FOA Lecture 1: Fiber Optics & Communications 
FOA Lecture 34, Networks  
FOA Lecture 35 Network Architectures  
FOA Lecture 36 Network Bandwidth  
FOA Lecture 37 Fiber To The Antenna (Cellular Towers)  
FOA Lecture 38 Data Center Cabling  
FOA Lecture 39 Maintaining Fiber Optic Networks  
FOA Lecture 40 Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS)  
FOA Lecture 27, Fiber Optic Datalinks 
FOA Lecture 25: FTTx - Fiber To The Home, Premises, Curb, Business, Fiber Broadband, etc.  
FOA Lecture 30, OLANs, Optical LANs 
FOA Lecture 48 Smart Cities Are Built On Fiber  
FOA Lecture 67 Fiber Optics At Electrical Utilities 
FOA Lecture 70 Rural broadband 

Videos: FTTH (Fiber To The Home) and Fiber Broadband
FOA Lecture 25: FTTx - Fiber To The Home, Premises, Curb, Business, etc.  
FOA Lecture 63 FTTH Network Architectures 
FOA Lecture 64 FTTH Passive Optical Networks (PONs)
FOA Lecture 65 FTTH Network Design 
FOA Lecture 66 FTTH Network Installation and Test 
FOA Lecture 68 Fiber Optic PON Demonstration
FOA Lecture 70 Rural broadband 

Videos: Fiber Optic Components
FOA Lecture 3: Optical Fiber 
FOA Lecture 23: Total Internal Reflection in Optical Fiber Demonstration 
FOA Lecture 29, Plastic Optical Fiber (POF)
FOA Lecture 4: Fiber Optic Cables 
FOA Lecture 5: Splices and Connectors 
FOA Lecture 6: Fiber Optic Splices 
FOA Lecture 7: Fiber Optic Connectors 
FOA Lecture 54 Fiber Optic Connector Identification
FOA Lecture 27, Fiber Optic Datalinks 
FOA Lecture 31, Wavelength Division Multiplexing  
FOA Lecture 32, Fiber Amplifiers  
FOA Lecture 42 MPO (Multifiber, Array) Connectors and How To Test Them 
FOA Lecture 43 Managing Polarity of MPO Connectors using the PanMPO Connector
FOA Lecture 44 MPO Connector Fiber Polarity
FOA Lecture 50 What Do You Strip When You Strip Optical Fiber?  
FOA Lecture 56 Fiber Optic Cable - Bend Diameter or Radius  
FOA Lecture 57 Fiber Optic Connector Inspection and Cleaning 
FOA Lecture 58 Fiber Optic Media Conversion 
FOA Lecture 61 Fiber Optic Color Codes   
FOA Lecture 71 Reference Cables For Fiber Optic Testing
FOA Lecture 72 Fiber Optic Attenuators
Fiber Optics - Live!  A series of videos that use lab demonstrations to show how optical fiber works. 
How Light Travels In A Fiber  
Fiber Attenuation  
Connector Loss  

Videos: Fiber Optic Network Design
FOA Lecture 9: Fiber Optic Network Design, Part 1, Overview and The Process
FOA Lecture 10: Fiber Optic Network Design Part 2, The Route And The Equipment  
FOA Lecture 11: Fiber Optic Network Design Part 3, Choosing Components
FOA Lecture 33, Cabling Project Management
FOA Lecture 65 FTTH Network Design  
FOA Lecture 24: Copper, Fiber or Wireless? 

Videos: Fiber Optic Installation
FOA Lecture 8: Fiber Optic Installation 
Fiber Optic Stripping Tools
Fiber Optic Connector Polishing Technique 
Prepolished/Splice Connector Termination (Corning Unicam)   
Prepolished/Splice Connector Termination (Panduit OptiCam) 
Hands-On Fiber Videos
Fusion Splicing  
Mechanical Splicing   
Fiber Optic Termination (adhesive/polish connectors), Part 1, Setup & Tools  
Fiber Optic Termination, Part 2, Jacketed Cable Prep  
Fiber Optic Termination, Part 3, Adhesive Prep  
Fiber Optic Termination, Part 4, Stripping Fiber  
Fiber Optic Termination, Part 5, Connector Attachment  
Fiber Optic Termination, Part 6, Polishing  
Fiber Optic Termination, Part 7, Inspection  
Fiber Optic Termination, Part 8, Distribution Cable Termination   
Fiber Optic Cable Preparation, Part 1 Introduction  
Fiber Optic Cable, Part 2, Zipcord
Fiber Optic Cable, Part 3 Distribution Cable
Fiber Optic Cable, Part 4 Breakout Cable
Fiber Optic Cable, Part 5 Loose Tube Cable
Fiber Optic Cable, Part 6, Armored Cable

Videos: Fiber Optic Network Operation And Restoration
FOA Lecture 39 Maintaining Fiber Optic Networks  
FOA Lecture 51 Fiber Optic Restoration - Causes of Damage To The Network  
FOA Lecture 52 Fiber Optic Restoration - Planning For Restoration 
FOA Lecture 53 Fiber Optic Restoration - Troubleshooting And Repair  

Videos: Fiber Optic Testing  
FOA Lecture 12: Fiber Optic Testing Overview 
FOA Lecture 49 Attenuation In A Fiber Optic Link  
FOA Lecture 13: Testing Fiber Visually 
Visual Inspection of Connectors With A Microscope  
FOA Lecture 14: Testing Optical Power 
FOA Lecture 15: Five Ways To Test Fiber Optic Cable Plants 
FOA Lecture 16: Insertion Loss Testing 
Insertion Loss Testing   
FOA Lecture 71 Reference Cables For Fiber Optic Testing
FOA Lecture 17: OTDR Testing 
Using an OTDR 
FOA Lecture 18: OTDR Setup 
FOA Lecture 19: OTDR Measurement Uncertainty 
FOA Lecture 20: Other Fiber Optic Tests - Reflectance, Dispersion, Spectral Attenuation 
FOA Lecture 21: Visual Fault Locator Demonstration 
FOA Lecture 26: Loss Budgets 
FOA Lecture 28, Fiber Characterization  
FOA Lecture 42 MPO (Multifiber, Array) Connectors and How To Test Them 
FOA Lecture 55 The Mysterious dB of Fiber Optics

Videos: Premises Cabling
Premises Cabling Lecture 1: What Is Premises Cabling? 
Premises Cabling Lecture 2: Applications
Premises Cabling Lecture 3: Standards
Premises Cabling Lecture 4: Cable Types
Premises Cabling Lecture 5: Installing UTP
Premises Cabling Lecture 6: Terminating UTP
Premises Cabling Lecture 7: Testing UTP
Premises Cabling Lecture 8: Coax Cable
Premises Cabling Lecture 9: Fiber Optics
Premises Cabling Lecture 10: Wireless 
Premises Cabling Lecture 11: Counterfeit Cat 5 Cabling 

Videos: Hands-On UTP Cabling Installation
UTP "Cat 5" Cabling, Part 1, Tools
UTP "Cat 5" Cabling, Part 2, The Training Board
UTP "Cat 5" Cabling, Part 3, UTP Cable
UTP "Cat 5" Cabling, Part 4, 66 Block Punchdown
UTP "Cat 5" Cabling, Part 5, 110 Block Punchdown
UTP "Cat 5" Cabling, Part 6, Jacks
UTP "Cat 5" Cabling, Part 7, Testing
UTP "Cat 5" Cabling, Part 8, Plugs and Patchcords 

Videos: Fiber Optics Lecture Series (Numerical Order)

FOA Lecture 1: Fiber Optics & Communications 
FOA Lecture: Fiber Optic Jargon  
FOA Lecture 2: Safety When Working With Fiber Optics 
FOA Lecture 3: Optical Fiber 
FOA Lecture 4: Fiber Optic Cables 
FOA Lecture 5: Splices and Connectors 
FOA Lecture 6: Fiber Optic Splices 
FOA Lecture 7: Fiber Optic Connectors 
FOA Lecture 8: Fiber Optic Installation 
FOA Lecture 9: Fiber Optic Network Design, Part 1, Overview and The Process
FOA Lecture 10: Fiber Optic Network Design Part 2, The Route And The Equipment  
FOA Lecture 11: Fiber Optic Network Design Part 3, Choosing Components  (See also Lectures 33,, 39) 
FOA Lecture 12: Fiber Optic Testing Overview 
FOA Lecture 13: Testing Fiber Visually 
FOA Lecture 14: Testing Optical Power 
FOA Lecture 15: Five Ways To Test Fiber Optic Cable Plants 
FOA Lecture 16: Insertion Loss Testing 
FOA Lecture 17: OTDR Testing 
FOA Lecture 18: OTDR Setup 
FOA Lecture 19: OTDR Measurement Uncertainty 
FOA Lecture 20: Other Fiber Optic Tests - Reflectance, Dispersion, Spectral Attenuation 
FOA Lecture 21: Visual Fault Locator Demonstration 
FOA Lecture 22: Mode Power Distribution in Multimode Fibers Demonstration 
FOA Lecture 23: Total Internal Reflection in Optical Fiber Demonstration 
FOA Lecture 24: Copper, Fiber or Wireless? 
FOA Lecture 25: FTTx - Fiber To The Home, Premises, Curb, Business, Fiber Broadband, etc.  
FOA Lecture 26: Loss Budgets 
FOA Lecture 27, Fiber Optic Datalinks 
FOA Lecture 28, Fiber Characterization  
FOA Lecture 29, Plastic Optical Fiber (POF)
FOA Lecture 30, OLANs, Optical LANs 
FOA Lecture 31, Wavelength Division Multiplexing  
FOA Lecture 32, Fiber Amplifiers  
FOA Lecture 33, Cabling Project Management 
FOA Lecture 34, Networks  
FOA Lecture 35 Network Architectures  
FOA Lecture 36 Network Bandwidth  
FOA Lecture 37 Fiber To The Antenna (Cellular Towers)  
FOA Lecture 38 Data Center Cabling  
FOA Lecture 39 Maintaining Fiber Optic Networks  
FOA Lecture 40 Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS)  
FOA Lecture 41 Prefabricated (Preterminated) Fiber Optic Cabling Systems 
FOA Lecture 42 MPO (Multifiber, Array) Connectors and How To Test Them 
FOA Lecture 43 Managing Polarity of MPO Connectors using the PanMPO Connector
FOA Lecture 44 MPO Connector Fiber Polarity
FOA Lecture 45 Do It Yourself FTTH (Fiber to the Home) 
FOA Lecture 46 Do It Yourself FTTH (Southern Fiberworx)  
FOA Lecture 47 Do It Yourself FTTH (Connect Anza)
FOA Lecture 48 Smart Cities Are Built On Fiber  
FOA Lecture 64 FTTH Passive Optical Networks (PONs)  (see Lecture 68 for a PON demonstration)
Using an OTDR 
Visual Inspection of Connectors With A Microscope  
Fiber Optic Stripping Tools
Fiber Optic Connector Polishing Technique 
Prepolished/Splice Connector Termination (Corning Unicam)   
Prepolished/Splice Connector Termination (Panduit OptiCam) 
The Fiber Optic Tester In Your Pocket (Cell Phone)   
Insertion Loss Testing   
Fusion Splicing  
Mechanical Splicing   
Fiber Optic Termination, Part 1, Setup & Tools  
Fiber Optic Termination, Part 2, Jacketed Cable Prep  
Fiber Optic Termination, Part 3, Adhesive Prep  
Fiber Optic Termination, Part 4, Stripping Fiber  
Fiber Optic Termination, Part 5, Connector Attachment  
Fiber Optic Termination, Part 6, Polishing  
Fiber Optic Termination, Part 7, Inspection  
Fiber Optic Termination, Part 8, Distribution Cable Termination   
Fiber Optic Cable, Part 1 Introduction  
Fiber Optic Cable, Part 2, Zipcord
Fiber Optic Cable, Part 3 Distribution Cable
Fiber Optic Cable, Part 4 Breakout Cable
Fiber Optic Cable, Part 5 Loose Tube Cable
Fiber Optic Cable, Part 6, Armored Cable

Product Reviews
The 3M Easy Cleaver: FOA tests the  3M "disposable" cleaver and shows its unique diamond filament scriber
Fiber Optic Stripping Tools: Comparison of Miller, No-Nik and Microstrip and introduction of the New Ripley/Miller Center Feed stripper.
Panduit's PanMPO Connector: Helps manage polarity with the MPO connector for testing and cable plants.

Premises Cabling
Lecture Series Videos

Hands-On UTP Cabling Videos
UTP "Cat 5" Cabling, Part 1, Tools
UTP "Cat 5" Cabling, Part 2, The Training Board
UTP "Cat 5" Cabling, Part 3, UTP Cable
UTP "Cat 5" Cabling, Part 4, 66 Block Punchdown
UTP "Cat 5" Cabling, Part 5, 110 Block Punchdown
UTP "Cat 5" Cabling, Part 6, Jacks
UTP "Cat 5" Cabling, Part 7, Testing
UTP "Cat 5" Cabling, Part 8, Plugs and Patchcords 

FOA Instructor Training and Certification   

FOA Instructor Training - Part 1 -Introduction   
FOA Instructor Training - Part 2 - About The FOA  
FOA Instructor Training - Part 3 - FOA Approved Schools  
FOA Instructor Training - Part 4 - Instructors  
FOA Instructor Training - Part 5 - Curriculum  
FOA Instructor Training - Part 6 - Teaching A Course 
FOA Instructor Training - Part 7 - Hands-On Labs  
FOA Instructor Training - Part 8 - FOA Resources  

Cross Reference To FOA Videos 

The FOA Videos On YouTube 

FOA's Fiber U Free Fiber Optic Online Learning Programs

Fiber U® - "Fiber University" Online Training

Lennie Lightwave and Fiber U
Fiber U - Fiber University Training in Fiber Optics
Fiber U is the FOA website with free online self-study programs,
Fiber U self-study programs cover most of the topics here and allows you to test your comprehension of the subject at the end of each section. For most programs, after you complete the self-study part you can take an online quiz and get a certificate of completion.

Fiber U Self-Study Programs

MiniCourses: (Short courses you can finish in an hour or less)
Fiber Optics In Communications  
How Fiber Works  
Fiber Optic Color Codes   
Fiber Optic Connector Identification  
Fiber Optic Connector Inspection and Cleaning
The Mysterious dB of Fiber Optics  
Fiber Optic Cable Bend Radius  
Fiber Optic Loss and Power Budgets
Reference Cables For Fiber Optic Testing  
Fiber Optic Media Conversion  
Fiber Optic Cable Midspan Access  
Fiber Optic Restoration  
Fiber Optic Attenuators  

Basic Fiber Optics And Cabling Courses
Basic Fiber Optics  
Basic Fiber Optics Skills Lab  
Premises Cabling (Copper, Fiber and Wireless)  
Basic Skills Lab, Copper Cabling  
Fiber Optic Safety  NEW

Specialist Fiber Optic Skills Courses
Outside Plant Construction  
Outside Plant Fiber Optics  
Fiber Optic Testing  
Understanding OTDRs  
Fiber Characterization  

Design Specialist
Fiber Optic Network Design  

Fiber Optic Applications
Fiber For Wireless  
Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS)  
Fiber To The Antenna (Wireless)  
Data Center Cabling  
FTTX - (Fiber To The Home, Premises, Business, Curb, etc.)  
Optical LANs  


FOA Reference Books

Updated June 2024: The FOA Reference Guide To Fiber Optics - Second Edition - 2024

FOA Reference Guide to Fiber Optics book  FOA Reference Guide to Premises Cablng book  FOA Reference Guide to OSP Fiber Optics book  FOA Reference Guide to OSP Fiber Optics book  FOA Reference Guide to Fiber Optics Network Design  book  FOA Reference Guide to Fiber Optic Testing book  FOA FTTH Handbook   Fiber Broadband
Fiber Optics  -  Premises Cabling -  Outside Plant - OSP Construction - Network Design - Fiber Optic Testing - FTTH Handbook - Fiber Broadband

FOA has textbooks on Fiber Optics, Premises Cabling, OSP Fiber Optics and OSP Construction and the FTTH Handbook. The Fiber Broadband book is a book explaining how fiber optics powers all forms of communications today.
Languages: Fiber Optics available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese, Design available in English and Spanish, FTTH Handbook
available in English and Spanish
All are self-published by FOA and available at very reasonable prices.
Available printed or eBooks on the Amazon Kindle. Click on each book for details.

ANSI/NECA/FOA-301 Fiber Optic Installation Standard

NECA/FOA-301 Standard

The FOA and NECA wrote this ANSI standard (American National Standard) covering the installation of fiber optic cable plants. This standard was withdrawn as an ANSI standard for revision. It still has lots of good information on fiber optic installation and is available for free downloads from FOA.

FOA LossCalc App (FREE)

FOA Loss Calculator App
FOA LossCalc estimates the optical loss of a fiber optic link. This will save time for the installer of a fiber optic link needing to know whether test results are reasonable and/or make a "pass/fail" determination. It can also help the designer of a link to determine if communications equipment will operate over this link.
By choosing the type of link (singlemode or multimode) and specifying the length of the fiber and numbers of connections and splices, it will calculate the end to end loss of the link. The app has default specifications for singlemode and multimode links or the user may create custom setups with specifications appropriate for any application.

Getting Started Guides

Lennie 25th Anniversary Lennie Lightwave's Guide - The most popular basic introduction to fiber optics

Lennie  Uncle Ted

These two guides are simple introductions to the subjects. They will explain the applications, jargon, components and installation in a quick overview.

Lennie Lightwave's Guide to Fiber Optics (online) and available as a free iBook on iTunes  
Uncle Ted's Guide to Communications Cabling   (online) and available as a free iBook on iTunes  
Lennie and Uncle Ted are now available as free iBooks on iTunes

Resources For Teachers In K-12 And Technical Schools

Teachers in all grades can introduce their students to fiber optic technology with some simple demonstrations. FOA has created a page for
STEM or STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) teachers with materials appropriate to their classes. Fiber Optic Resources For Teachers.

FOA Policy on Linking And Use of The FOA Guide Materials

Interested in linking to FOA webpages or reproducing FOA copyrighted technical materials? Here is the FOA policy on use of our technical materials.
Got feedback? Let us know how we can make The FOA Online Fiber Optic Reference Guide better. Email us at < info @ >

Directions For Using The FOA Guide

This is the FOA's Guide To Fiber Optics & Premises Cabling. It includes almost a thousand pages of materials created by the FOA covering the basics to advanced topics on fiber optics and premises cabling.The goal of this website is educating students, users, designers, installers or anyone interested in the subject of fiber and cabling for communications systems.

The Guide is intended to be used as reference material for those working in the industry, studying for FOA Certifications, teaching fiber optic training classes or giving refresher tutorials for FOA CFOTs. It includes what is essentially an online version of the FOA textbooks that you can also purchase a printed or ebook version. Books

This information is provided by The Fiber Optic Association, Inc. as a benefit to those interested in teaching, designing, manufacturing, selling, installing or using fiber optic communications systems or networks. It is intended to be used as an overview and/or basic guidelines and in no way should be considered to be complete or comprehensive. These guidelines are strictly the opinion of the FOA and the reader is expected to use them as a basis for learning, as a reference and for creating their own documentation, project specifications, etc. Those working with fiber optics in the classroom, laboratory or field should follow all safety rules carefully. The FOA assumes no liability for the use of any of this material.

The FOA knowledge base includes suggested materials in helping individuals to become prepared for FOA certification exams. The information provided is not intended to be inclusive of all potentially useful resources, nor does inclusion in this knowledge base constitute an endorsement by the FOA.

There is a tremendous amount of information on this website, so finding things can be a challenge. Here are some guidelines to make it easier.

If you want to look for a subject like standards, components or testing, go directly to the Table of Contents.

If you want a self-study guide, go to  Fiber U.

This website will be constantly changing as new information is added. Suggestions regarding the content are welcomed. Send suggestions to .

Printed, Kindle, iBook and iPad/iPhone App versions of the FOA textbooks are available. Details here.

Key To Using the Table of Contents
  • Some links are simple documents as webpages or PDF files formatted for printing, some are videos on YouTube and some are online PowerPoint presentations.
  •     Unmarked links are webpages
  •     The links marked (TT) are FOA Tech Topics From The FOA website.
  •     Links marked with the "YouTube" logo take you to the isted video on the FOA YouTube channel "thefoainc".
  •     The links marked VHO are "virtual hands-on" online PowerPoint presentations that provide a tutorial showing actual installation practices in a step-by-step process designed to lead the reader through a hands-on procedure exactly as it would be performed in the real world. VHO tutorials do not work well with portable web devices like Smartphones.
  •     The links marked (Tutorial) are online PowerPoint presentations that provide a tutorial on the subject. Tutorials do not work well with portable web devices like Smartphones.
  •     All links open in new windows, so you can close that window and return to the Table of Contents.
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Privacy Policy: The FOA does not use cookies or any other web tricks to gather information on visitors to our website. Our website host, Network Solutions, does gather traffic statistics for the visitors to our website and our online testing service, ClassMarker, maintains statistics of test results. We do not release or misuse any information on any of our members except we will confirm FOA certifications and Fiber U certificates of completion when requested by appropriate persons such as employers or personnel services.
Read the complete FOA Privacy Policy here.

Home: The FOA Guide To Fiber Optics And Premises Cabling


(C)1999-2019, The Fiber Optic Association, Inc.