FOA Guide 

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Outside Plant Construction Guide

Review Of Fiber Optic Technology. 
Project Preparation And Guidelines.
Underground Cable Construction.
Underground Cable Installation.
Aerial Cable Installation.
Completing Outside Cable Plant Installation.

Completing The OSP Cable Plant Installation

At this point the fiber optic cable should be installed and is ready to be spliced, terminated, tested and connected to the communications systems. The FOA has complete technical information and courses on those next steps.
We suggest you go next to The FOA Online Guide to Outside Plant Fiber Optics which will cover the remaining installation topics. You can read the material online or use the
FOA Outside Plant Construction Guide and FOA Reference Guide to Outside Plant Fiber Optic textbooks.

If you would prefer a FREE online course, go to Fiber U for the OSP Course.

(C) 2018 The Fiber Optic Association Inc.
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(C)1999-2020, The Fiber Optic Association, Inc.