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FOA Certifications

Information on all FOA Certifications  

FOA Certification Renewal  

Renewal Application(pdf)

You can now renew with Credit Cards or PayPal
payment options

Online Study Guides and References
Free online self-study programs on many fiber optics and cabling topics are available free at Fiber U, FOA's online web-based training website.

FOA Reference Books (Available Printed or eBooks) The fiber book is available in Spanish and French as well as English.

FOA Reference Guide to Fiber Optics book  FOA Reference Guide to Premises Cablng book  FOA Reference Guide to OSP Fiber Optics book
  FOA Reference Guide to Fiber Optics book

FOA Reference Guide to Fiber Optic Network Design book FOA Book on Fiber Optic Testing FOA Outside Plant Fiber Optics Construction Guide  FOA                        Reference Guide to Fiber Optic OSP Construction                        book Fiber Broadband book

Lennie printed
Printed copies of Lennie Lightwave's Guide at

Lennie Lightwave's Guide To Fiber Optics   Uncle Ted's Guide to Premises Cablling
Click on any of the books to learn more.


It's CFOT®  The FOA CFOT® (Certified Fiber Optic Technician) is a registered trademark. With so many fiber optic techs holding CFOTs and the CFOT being recognized worldwide as the foremost certification in fiber optics, the FOA realized the value of the CFOT required trademark protection.


FOA Certification Credentials Are Online

All FOA credentials are now online. Certification credentials are provided for all FOA certifications.

FOA Certified Fiber Optic Technicians now have their certification credentials online. They receive a personal web page that lists all their certifications, explanations of the certifications and the period of their validity.

When your certification or renewal is verified by the FOA personnel and your online credential is added to the database (which may take several weeks), you will receive an email confirming your certification from "" giving you a web address (URL) where you can find your certifications. Bookmark and/or record that URL as it is the official record of your certifications.

With the online certifications, you can review your certifications online, post them on your social media platforms and share them with current or potential employers or anyone else you choose. Online credentials are considered the most secure way to provide certifications and are preferred by most employers today. Printed certificates are available too, see below.

Note: if your FOA certification has not expired you should have an online credential. If you did not get notification it may be because FOA did not have a valid email for you. Contact FOA to inquire about your certification credential.

Here is what your online FOA certification credential looks like:

FOA Certification Online

The online FOA certification credential gives your name, title and company if provided, your FOA certification number, all the certifications you hold, and the dates your certification was first issued and the expiration date.

Your online certification works really well on a smartphone too; a great way to share your certification with others.

Cert online

A web URL for your certification is shown below the FOA Certified Logo. Click on the blue square near the URL to copy it for sharing.

Print a certificate
If you want a printed certificate as proof of your certification, there is a button below your certification URL that will download your FOA certificate as a PDF file. Click on the link and you will automatically download a PDF file of the certificate you can print. The printed certificate has a QR code to link to your online certification credential.

The PDF file of the certificate looks like the example below. It includes your name, that you are a "FOA Certified Fiber Optic Technician" and the valid dates of your certifications. All FOA certifications are for
"Certified Fiber Optic Technicians" and the personal web site of the URL on the lower right side of the printed certificate shows details all the certifications held by the individual.

You may want to keep a paper copy because you can scan the QR code in the upper right  corner and it will send you to your online certification. Refer to the online certification for details on all the certifications you hold and your certification number.

Printed certificate

For more information on using your online certification, here is the help page from the provider of the online certifications,

Bookmark and/or record the URL of your certification as the online certification is the official record of your FOA certification.

All FOA provides for this credential service is your email, name, certifications and dates. The service only shares the information you have agreed to share when you share the link to your credentials - the information that confirms your certification status with FOA.

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