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Schools and Instructors
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is a member of:

FOA on
FOA is an international non-profit educational
association that is chartered to promote
professionalism in fiber optics through education,
certification and standards. FOA is also an
internationally recognized certifying body for fiber optics. Read
the FOA website
Policy (for the EU
GDPR) FOA Policy on use of its intellectual property

The February FOA Newsletter
begins with an article about standards and the FOA 1-Page
Standards that provide the interpretations you need to understand them.
We also cover the developments in low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellites that
are now challenging fiber and wireless for rural broadband.
In the News section, we begin with some
photos from the California wildfires that shows another problem with
aerial cables. We also continue our focus on submarine
cables and the questions about cable breaks - accidental damage or
In the Technical Section, we discuss a problem
with MPO array connectors, new photonic ICs and an uppdate to an AFL
fusion splicer to permit splicing 16 fiber ribbons.
Also in this month's Newsletter: Worth Reading has
links to more news articles worth reading and Q&A looks at OSP installation
Read about it in the FOA Newsletter.
FOA Interprets Complicated Standards
Satellites For Rural Internet
First Satellite To Phone Demonstration
OFC Turns 50
FOA News
What's New And Popular On FOA Website
California Wildfires Burn Aerial Cables
WiFi Predictions For 2025
FOCUS On Submarine Cables And Operations
Submarine Cables In The News
Problems With MPO Connections
Fiber Optics For IC Connections
What Technical Advisors Are Telling US
FOA Has Reached An Amazing Milestone - 100,000 Certified Fiber Optic Technicians

That is a lot of fiber optic techs! 100,000 fiber optic techs just about equals today's US fiber optic technician workforce.
And those 100,000 FOA certified fiber techs hold over 130,000 FOA
How did FOA achieve this milestone? FOA has been quietly working behind
the scenes to achieve our original goal - developing a competent fiber
optic workforce through education, certification and standards; a
workforce capable of building the world's fiber optic communications
networks. FOA is the certifying body accepted worldwide and it is assisted by a worldwide
network of FOA approved training organizations and their FOA certified
fiber optic instructors.
Read the report in the December 2024 FOA Newsletter to see what the
industry says about this FOA milestone.
Enhance your safety with the FOA Safety Vest.

It's well made and distinctive.
Introducing The "FOA Badge In Fiber Optics" for professionals working in fiber optics
FOA is best known as the certifying body for the nearly 100,000 FOA-certified fiber optic technicians
who build worldwide networks. FOA has been asked many times about recognition for other
professionals in fiber optics. FOA now offers the FOA Badge in Fiber Optics,
which recognizes professionals working in all areas of fiber optics;
management, manufacturing, marketing/sales/distribution as well as
managers/planners/supervisors for networks.
New Edition Available
FOA has
published a new edition of our textbook on basic fiber optics, used in
training for the CFOT certification. The latest version of the FOA Reference Guide To Fiber Optics is different
enough we call it a new edition. Many of the updates are for new
technologies which are reshaping the fiber optic industry like coherent
transmission, BI fibers, etc. We've also added a section on the fiber
optic workforce which has much relevance because this book is used to
train those entering the workforce.
We've also worked on making the book more readable, adding formatting that eases reading and a new comprehensive index. Inflation was an issue, but the price only goes up $2 to $29.95 for the paperback and $12.95 for the Kindle version.
Available on Amazon and your local bookseller.
The New BLS "Telecommunications Technicians" Web Page
Created with the assistance of FOA, the
US Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook
web pages offer job descriptions for fiber optic and wireless
techs and better
job statistics that put some reality in discussions about how many more
fiber techs the US needs. It also provides a reference for grants
The New BLS "Telecommunications Technicians" Web Page.

U Offers Free Online Self-Study Programs And A "Fiber U
Certificate of Completion" For All FOA Certification
Fiber U Courses cover all topics on fiber optics and are designed
as preparation for taking a classroom course or taking a FOA
certification exam.
New free course on Safety at Fiber U.
Fiber U MiniCourses - Learn something useful in an hour or less.
New Fiber U MiniCourse Fiber Optic Project Management
More at Fiber
Latest FOA Book: Fiber Broadband - Popular With Broadband Planners
This book is not the typical FOA technical textbook - it is written for
anyone who wants to understand fiber broadband or fiber optics or the
Internet. It's also aimed at managers involved with broadband projects, teachers who want to include
communications technology in their classes or anyone
who just wonders how all this stuff works.
The Fiber Optic Association Guide To Fiber Broadband
Paperback ($12.95) and Kindle ($9.95) versions available from Amazon or most booksellers. Kindle version is in color!
Nobody knows more about fiber broadband than the Fiber Optic
Association. Check out our Fiber Broadband Resources Page. If you are working on an IIJA/BEAD program contact us for a
special package of educational materials for your staff.
More Translations of FOA Textbooks And Online Learning
FOA is a very international organization and it works hard to
accommodate the language needs of everyone. We have been translating our
books and website into the languages most requested and we
added more textbook translations.
Spanish Editions
Guía de Referencia de la Asociación de Fibra Óptica (FOA) Sobre Fibra
Óptica: Guía de estudio para la certificación de la FOA Amazon
La Referencia de Cableado para Predios de la FOA: Guía para Certificación de la FOA Amazon
La Asociación de Fibra Óptica Manual de Fibra Hasta el Hogar : Para
Planificadores, Gestores, Diseñadores, Instaladores y Operadores De
FTTH Amazon
Guía de Referencia de la FOA sobre Diseño de la red de fibra óptica: Guía de Estudio para la Certificación de la FOA Amazon
And the FOA Reference Guide To Fiber Optics:
French Edition
Guide de référence de la FOA pour la fibre optique et et
guide d'étude pour la certification FOA: Guide d'étude pour
la certification FOA Amazon
Portuguese Edition
Guia de Referência sobre Fibra Óptica da FOA : Guia de Estudo para a Certificação da FOA Amazon
The subjects of these books are also translated in the FOA Guide online.
U Basic Fiber Optics Online Course In Spanish.
curso de autoaprendizaje en línea "Fibra óptica básica" de
Fiber U ahora en español Curso
Básico de Fibra Óptica de Fibra U en español.
FOA FTTH Handbook Plus FTTH Updates in FOA Guide and Fiber
has been busy updating our FTTH technical and learning
materials, online learning course at Fiber U and even published the materials in a new book.
Great timing for all the FTTH projects we see right now!
FTTH Handbook - In English and Spanish
Planners, Managers, Designers, Installers And Operators Of
FTTH - Fiber To The Home - Networks

Handbook: We've gathered all our information
on FTTH from the FOA Guide and past issues of the FOA
Newsletter and edited it into a 112 page "FTTH Handbook."
We even added a section on planning and managing FTTH
Projects. The
Fiber Optic Association Fiber To The Home Handbook
is available from Amazon in print and Kindle
La Asociación de Fibra Óptica Manual de Fibra Hasta el Hogar : Para
Planificadores, Gestores, Diseñadores, Instaladores y Operadores De
FTTH Amazon
Learn more about the FOA
Fiber U “OJT-To-Cert” program.
The FOA's Online Loss Budget Calculator
FOA has
written many articles about loss budgets, something everyone
involved in fiber optics needs to know and needs to know how
to calculate. We've created a online Loss Budget Calculator
that does the work for you. Just input your cable plant data
and it calculates the loss budget. It works on any device,
especially smartphones and tablets for field use and even
allows printing the results.
this page (especially on your smartphone): FOA
Loss Budget Calculator Online
Schools and Instructors
your organization is interested in becoming an FOA
Approved School, see New
School Requirements and Application Procedures and Requirements
For FOA Training Programs.
you are a current FOA Approved School, here is the School
Update/Renewal Form.
Resources For STEM Teachers In K-12 And Technical Schools

Teachers in all grades can introduce their students to fiber
optic technology with some simple demonstrations. FOA has
created a page for STEM or STEAM (science, technology,
engineering, arts
and math) teachers with materials appropriate to their
classes. Fiber
Optic Resources For STEM Teachers.
also has a new YouTube
Video on "Careers
in Fiber Optics" and a "Careers
In Fiber Optics" Website.
See below.

FOA has a YouTube
Video on "Careers
in Fiber Optics" and a "Careers
In Fiber Optics" Website.
Interested in exploring a career in fiber optics? FOA
has created a YouTube Video and a webpage that describes
what a fiber optic worker does, where they work and how to
get started. It's mainly aimed at high school students but
it's relevant to anyone interested in changing careers also.
Go here for the YouTube
Video on "Careers
in Fiber Optics" or the FOA
Careers In Fiber Optics webpage.

"Finding A Job"
We get
many questions from CFOTs, students at FOA-Approved schools
and others contemplating getting into the fiber optic
business regarding jobs in fiber optics - and how to find
them - so we’ve created a new web page to share some
information we've gathered about jobs in our industry. The
information is designed to help you understand what jobs are
available in fiber optics, how to find them and apply for
Looking For A Job In Fiber
- Where
Are The Jobs In Fiber Optics? This
FOA YouTube Video talks about all the applications for
fiber optics, what the jobs involve and the
qualifications for the workers in the field.
If you are currently looking for a job in fiber optics,
here is the FOA's guide to
jobs web page. The
FOA Jobs
Web Page has been updated and a new page added on Using
your FOA Training/Certification to Find the Right Job
in Fiber Optics
If you
have job openings, let us post them on .
FOA Videos
- The
FOA has a special FOA channel on YouTube, thefoainc,
where we've posted over 110 instructional videos and
lectures for everyone's use. We've got lectures on
premises cabling and fiber optics and hands-on
demonstrations about fiber optics and communications
cabling - yes, even "Cat 5"!
FOA channel on YouTube, thefoainc

on LinkedIn - a community, jobs and technical discussions
- official company page on LinkedIn
- covers FOA, technology and jobs in the fiber optic
Grupo de La Asociación de Fibra Óptica FOA (Español)
Fiber Optic Training - open to everyone, covers fiber
optic technology and training topics
School Instructors - a closed group for instructors
and administrators at FOA-approved schools
FOA Reference Books (Printed or Kindle eBooks!)
FOA has it's own reference books for everyone working in
fiber optics - contractors, installers and end users as
well as for use as textbooks in classes at educational
institutions. They are available as printed books or
Kindle at much lower prices than most textbooks since we
self-publish and sell online, cutting out the middlemen.
Click on the book images for more information. The
Reference Guide To Fiber Optics is also available in
Spanish and French (print and online) and Portuguese
(online only.)
Optics (4 languages), Premises Cabling, OSP fiber and
construction, Network Design, Testing and FTTH
The FOA Guide To Fiber Broadband is not the typical FOA technical textbook - it is written for
anyone who wants to understand fiber broadband, fiber optics or the
Internet. It's also aimed at managers involved with broadband projects, teachers who want to include
communications technology in their classes or anyone
who just wonders how all this stuff works.
on any book for more information about it.
- Getting Started Guides

two guides are simple introductions to the subjects. They
will explain the applications, jargon, components and
installation in a quick overview.
Lightwave's Guide to Fiber Optics (online) and
available as PDF
download or a free
iBook on iTunes
- Uncle
Ted's Guide to Communications (Premises) Cabling
(online) and available as a PDF
download or a free
iBook on iTunes
Lightwave's Guide - Printed Edition
FOA has
reprinted "Lennie
Lightwave's Guide" on its 25th anniversary in a
special print edition.
of you have used the current online version of Lennie's
Guide on the FOA website. Now you can have a slick printed
version - real paper and colored pictures - you can hold in
your hand and read. Leave a copy on your desktop to impress
your friends, or on the table in your company's reception
area instead of out-of-date magazines. Give them to your
customers and employees to help them learn fiber optics. Use
it to prepare for FOA certifications.
You can get your own copies of Lennie
Lightwave's Guide at, only $9.95
each US$.
- Looking
For "Hands-On" Fiber Optic Training With FOA
- You
can find a list of FOA approved schools that offer CFOT®
certification here on the list
of FOA approved schools.
- Certification
Certified persons must renew their CFOT®
or CFOS certifications when they expire. Please
make sure we have your current address. Download
the renewal form, or
renew online.